Monday, May 7, 2012

Penny Auctions: Heads or Tails?

Penny Auctions are not for everyone but they are quite very popular lately. I don't see penny auctions having any staying power over most consumers, there maybe a handful of people who are into that penny bidding subculture. They are called PRObidders and it works for them. They breathe and live through winning in penny auctions. And they amassed stuff they don't need, kinda like hoarders, they just like winning and bidding for hours on end.

Though some penny auction sites may be rock solid, true to what they are offering (though some do not have much credibility and offer dismal prizes). There are the legit and awesome ones like in the US and in the UK. So choose your penny bidding playground wisely :)

For me, Penny auction sites that offer cheap coupons as prizes are an honest let down. I mean if you're gonna spend money on bid packs that are worth $50 to $100 bucks you might as well score some big shit. Not some useless discount coupon for a latte. Otherwise, its not worth your time. Not worth the game play. By gameplay, what I mean is, there's something called the 'thrill' behind winning prizes (kinda like the mystery behind a magician's prestige) you're addicted to knowing what bag of tricks are out there. Its not just about winning and cashing out your lot. But if you have nothing better to do, but troll 4chan or tweet all day. Why not try your hand at penny auctions? You have nothing to lose, but the shirt off your back. Just kidding!

1 comment:

  1. I really love the concept of the title of your article "Penny Auctions: Heads or Tails?". Aside from Heads or Tails, for me penny auction websites is like playing slots in Casino. All you need to have is coins in order for you to play, but as for penny auctions, timing is really important in placing your bid.
